Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tammy Duckworth Letter

I am taking a class called Policy and in this class, we are talking about how different policies have shaped the county around us and how they have impacted us. We have gone on one field experience so far and it was to Andre Vasquez's office where we talked to him about his ideas for what he thinks his ward could become. Andre had a lot of interesting ideas that I didn't necessarily agree with but he was very nice and welcoming and I felt like it was a great experience. For this action project, we needed to write a letter to a representative about a problem we see.

Tammy Duckworth

Suite 3900
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone (312) 886-3506

Dear Ms. Duckworth,

My name is DS and I am writing to you because I believe that Veterans deserve the opportunity to get a visa to get back into the United States since they have laid their lives on the line to protect us. I have had multiple relatives who have served in the armed forces who I think very highly of and think that anyone who has risked it all for us deserves the opportunity to come back to our country with open arms.

Veterans risk their lives fighting for our freedom.

Veterans should be taken better care of because they risk everything.

Therefore we need to make the process of allowing veterans back into the United States better.

If you were to risk it all for a place because you believe in it and then you moved away for a while but then wanted to move back wouldnt you want to be accepted back into this place?

Veterans should be given a good reason to want to move back to The United States after they retire from the military. Currently, they can choose from many different options in different countries that offer them low tax deals with visas that may seem more appealing than what we currently offer.

Veterans are being put on the afterburner when it comes to coming back to the United States when we need these people and they need us to support them.
S. 1041: Veterans Visa and Protection Act of 2019 is a fitting bill that will take care of the problem above.

The opponents may say that they must go through the same process as everyone else but I beg to differ because sure they are still human like the rest of us but we need to be courteous to these people who are brave and good to the entire United States population.

In conclusion, we need to be more lenient with how our veterans are allowed in our country because if we can't treat the people who fight for our freedom with respect then how can we take care of the rest of the population?

Thank you for keeping this in mind,

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