Monday, January 30, 2017

How about education outside of school?

I took a class called Who Am I. In this class, we learned about different philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Heraclitus, and many more. We dove deeper into what the philosophers thought and what their beliefs were, we also dove deeper into what our own beliefs were. For this action project, we had to make a podcast about something that we believe in. We had to describe why we believe in it and what drove us to believe it. I chose to talk about education because I feel incredibly strongly about how everyone should study outside of school and not just rely on the basic education that they receive in school because that alone won't be enough to succeed in the real world. I believe that you need skills that can't be taught in school but you can get from other places such as clubs, classes, teams, and other out of school activities. So enjoy the podcast and I hope that you learn something new, or at the very least get a new perspective.

“If you are educated, you should not be proud of it. No matter how much you have learned, there is always someone who has never read anything yet knows two times as much as you”.

I believe that if you don't take education into your own hands you won't succeed. I believe this because my mom has always encouraged me to do my best. Her teachings have helped me in life already. I am in many programs that only accept certain people. They tend to accept only the kids who have a wide range of knowledge. I once enrolled in a program called Science Minors, which was a competitive enrollment process that does not accept many kids. We had to write an essay and I was fortunate enough to be able to write many things on it because I have the wide range of things that I do outside of school. It is important that you are engaging in different places because you get other people's views and perspectives, it also prepares you for the real world where you will need to know things that you weren't taught in the average school. I don't think that anything that happens in the future can change that.

I think education and learning is a priority and I place it at the top of my list. My family is very pro-education and encourage me and my siblings to learn and try new things. I think this is because my mom is from a different country and she saw how bad it can be if you don't educate yourself. Once my mom told me a story about a person who she grew up with. He always did well in school and got good grades, but he never did anything outside of school. He was smart but only in the things that everyone else was also good at. He wasn't special in anyway. So when it came time to choose a job he was only qualified for things that the average school prepared students for, while the kids who did their own studying got ahead and got jobs that were better and paid more.

I would like you to leave this podcast with a new perspective. Maybe I'll even influence your ideas. Thank You

Friday, January 20, 2017

Oil will Spoil

I took a class called Fuel. So far in this class, I have learned about different types of fuel, the periodic table, atoms, molecules, renewable resources and non-renewable resources. I learned about how these things affect the environment and how they impact us. For example, I learned about which types of fuel create carbon monoxide when there burned and which don't. Also, I learned how the U.S uses way more fuel than most other places on earth by a lot. We also learned about the history, the elements, and what everything on the periodic table means. That part was hard but after a while, I started to figure it out. We also learned a few math concepts that were challenging but started to get easier by the end. In my slide show, I go over one particular non-renewable resource called oil. I go over the molecular structure, the harms of oil, and I compare the United States oil usage to that of Canadas. So I hope you enjoy the slide show and learn something.