Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Survival Guide to Becoming a Fighter Pilot

This term I took a class called Endurance. This was a very enjoyable class that I learned a lot from. In the class we talked about how people endure different experiences and encounters. What I liked most about the class was thinking about my own examples of endurance and how I have fared. I like to think that, for the most part, I am a relatively resilient person. Of course there are people such as Navy Seals who are able to endure more mental and physical pain than I can even imagine but as far as the general population goes I think that I am able to endure a lot. This class made we wonder if endurance is really something people build up themselves of if its already in them and they simply wont use it unless forced. Think of the Jewish people during the Holocaust for example. They were forced to endure more pain and suffering than anyone could ever imagine yet so many of them stood straight and took it until they were able to escape. I am sure that many of them were just like you and me before and didn't think they would be able to endure something like that until the time came when they needed to. This project was about my mission, where I am going, where I want to end up, and what I will encounter along the way. Please enjoy.

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