How much water do you use? To give you an idea the average American uses about 151.8 gallons of water per day. That's a lot of water. The entirety of America uses about 48,272,400,136.6 gallons of water a day. Lake Michigan has about 6 quadrillion gallons which mean if every American drank from only lake Michigan the lake would run out of water in about 360 years which is not a lot when compared to the 200000 years humans have been alive. This shows how little water we really have. That's not considering the people who will be born in the future.
I divided my water usage into 4 categories which are cleaning, hygiene, drinking, and other. I used the most for Hygiene which was 38.3% or 23 Gallons. Second was cleaning at 33.3% which is 20 gallons of water. The third was other it was 26.7% or 9 gallons. And the fourth was drinking because I drank about a gallon a day.
The average person in the UK uses about 150 Liters per day. I use an average of 194.11 liters per day which is 40.11 Liters more than the average UK resident. This goes to show that Americans use much more water than they need to because I use a third of the water of a normal American and still use more than the average UK resident and they use a lot compared to many countries such as Nigeria that use about 45 liters a day. And even they don't use the least amount of water.
Less than one percent of all the world water is drinkable. And even out of that much of the water is hard to access. That's the reason water is so rare in places like Africa.