Say Bye
S,D. Say Bye. Chicago, 25 Oct. 2018. |
GCE Lab Schools 2020 Junior class will be hosting a peoples assembly on January blank. We the Juniors of GCE Lab School have decided to put our heads together to create a peoples assembly that will answer the questions that the people may have. We have been meticulously planning for the last couple weeks and plan to continue this process for the upcoming semester so that we can bring you the best environment to ask questions, learn, and ultimately make the best decision you can in this upcoming election.
Our class will be inviting many high ranking figures such as Toni Preckwinkle, Bill Daley, Garry Mcarthy, Amara Enyia, Jamal Green, Troy LaRaviere and many more. These are all people who are in the race to become mayor of Chicago, or in other words your mayor. They will be asked questions that are based on large problems the Chicago area have been experiencing. Some of those questions may address gun violence, tifs, schools, money, and transit. We hope that their answers will give you insight into what they think, how they treat others and if they're a good fit for you. These are all pressing issues in Chicago that may influence your vote!
Our people's assembly will be very accommodating. There are many reasons that could hold you back from attending but having children shouldn't be one after all this impacts you more than anyone! So if you have children that's fine we will be providing child care services for the duration of the assembly. We also will be providing lunch and snacks for the duration of the assembly. We hope to make this assembly as accommodating as possible while still having an extremely informative environment that will allow you to leave with more information than when you walked in.
Let's talk about why. You may be wondering why you should go, and that's reasonable. We think that people need to take charge. We have power in numbers and when you decide to show up you add to that. We have many problems in this city and when the people step up things get done correctly. Along with that if you have children then these issues are not only impacting you but also your children. These kids are the future of the city (and the world) we need to support them which involves coming to events like this. How many of you liked when many CPS schools got shut down? Not us as we think it was wrong and we think you share that opinion so if so agree you can ask these mayoral candidates about it and find out if they're on your side or the machines. This is your opportunity to see these people as their true selves, not just people on tv that won't listen, this is your chance to make your voice heard and there's nothing to stop you but yourself. So do yourself a favor and make sure that you do what's right for your family, your community, your city, and most importantly yourself.
Picture description
My picture addresses the issue of money not being put into poorer neighborhoods and being put into downtown Chicago. My painting breaks through to people because this will be seen by people in poorer neighborhoods who can relate to their money funding downtown innovation. My painting builds upon rhetoric in the U.S because the United States has a history of using rhetorical art to gather people over a certain cause such as world war two when they rallied for people to fight in the war. In the drawing, I included a hyperbole in the form of SAY BYE since your not literally saying bye to your money. I also used exaggeration because the city is supposed to look perfect in the foreground while all the money is going there but in reality, the city isnt perfect and not all the money goes downtown. I want my audience to experience a feeling of anger and rebellion when they look at this picture.